Sunday 25 November 2018

Weekly Update

Upcoming Word Wall Words this week:
I'm also adding the instructional word cut to the list.

All across Ontario, this past week was designated as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and positive learning environments. At St. Anne we are committed to raising awareness and learning more about what bullying is (and isn't). Moreover, we are committed to fostering Kindness and Empathy for one another. We started this week off with a visit from Father Paul, who helped us explore what it means to be kind and caring, why it's important to emulate God's love, and What Would Jesus Do? 

Later on in the week, the children gathered outside to participate in our Upstander Circle, where they pledged to not only be kind to one another, but to stand up to eradicate bullying.

Classroom activities this week around Bullying Prevention included read-alouds, discussions, creation of Kindness Posters, and creating a grade-level Kindness chain where the children wrote various loving phrases about their peers on strips of paper and linked them together to create a long chain.
We continue to work on CVC words, WWW activities, writing sentences using proper spacing, upper case to start and punctuation. We will be reinforcing 'What Makes a Complete Sentence' & Sentence Building in the coming weeks.

The children are fully immersed in a variety of units. In math, they're exploring attributes of and comparing 2D shapes. A favourite game of theirs is to take turns in the 'teacher chair' where they choose a shape in secret and the other children have to ask questions about the shape using 'math language' (ie. Does the shape have four vertices? Does it have parallel sides? etc.) before guessing the shape by name.

Thank you all very kindly for the contributions to our science unit with your recyclables. Keep them coming please. The children are very eager to get their hands on the materials and construct. I am trying to hold them off a wee bit as we learn more about structures and materials and gather more materials for their various projects. They have really-to no surprise as it is such a hands-on unit-taken to our science unit. Throughout the week, the children have been pointing out various 'fasteners' they've discovered, and shared with me and each other how the fasteners work. The video below highlights Calvin's creation. With the addition of the 'straw' of a classmates fruitpouch and some tape as a 'fastener' he turned a piece of paper into a beyblade. Three, two, one...let it rip!!

We do not have library this week but please add to your calendars a reminder to send the children's library books back on Monday December 3rd. This gives me enough time to send home reminders if needed for those not returned so that all children are able to exchange their books on our Wednesday visit. Given the size of the school we are limited to biweekly visits and the children are very disappointed when they are not able to exchange their books because they forgot to return them. It also means no new books for 4 weeks!

Another date to add to your calendar:
9:30 a.m
Christmas Concert
The primary grade classes-starting with grade one-will be performing a song in celebration of Christmas on Friday December 21st at 9:30a.m. As the morning progresses, the junior grade classes will take stage as well. (Kindergarteners will be performing on December 19th, for those of you with children in multiple grades). We look forward to seeing you from the stage!

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